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Knowing the rules of any game is extremely important, especially when it comes down to placing your bets and calculating the odds involved. It is all a game of chance, and there is no doubt that luck plays a large part in the players success. The following is a list you should definitely read several times over. Many times the difference between a winner and a loser is simply a matter of common sense and keeping a cool head. 1. Develop A Plan Of Attack: You should go into the casino knowing beforehand exactly which games you are interested in playing. Read the game rules very carefully. VERY CAREFULLY. This cannot be emphasized enough. Get to know the game well. Get to know which are the most favorable bets to make. Remember it is all on you. If you go to the dealer or to another player for advice in a real land-based casino, chances are they will give you the wrong advice. 2. Remember - The Odds Are Always Against You: The casino industry is a very lucrative business. Do not kid yourself into thinking that the casino depends or relies upon the wits of the dealer. Practically every possible bet favors the House. However, depending on how you play, you can to a certain extent determine the size of the Houses advantage over you. You should try to place the bets you want only when the Houses advantage is of 1.5% or less. The lower the percentage, the better the chances for you to win your bet. 3. Never Drink And Play At The Same Time: This one is very simple. Real, land-based casinos give you free liquor for a reason, a very good one, in fact. The games you play at a casino require total concentration on your part, and guess what helps you lose your concentration thats right!! Booze!! ALCOHOL DISRUPTS YOUR THOUGHT PROCESSES AND CONCENTRATION!! It is therefore recommendable that you maintain yourself strictly sober when playing, even if you are at home. 4. Never Play With Scared Money: Again, this is an easy one to explain and understand, and you have surely already heard it plenty of times. DO NOT PLAY WITH MONEY YOU CANNOT LOSE!! If you play with the rent money, or money set aside for some other purpose, or even someone elses money without that person knowing about it, then you are most likely going to get into trouble. Play with money you can lose if necessary. 5. Manage Your Money: If you plan to spend a day at the casino, split your funds into separate gaming sessions. Manage your funds intelligently. For example, if you choose to play with US$500.00, try splitting it up into four different sessions of US$125.00 each. Never go over your limit. With this money management method, you will not be carried away by emotional judgments. 6. Never Bet More When Losing: AVOID A FINANCIAL NIGHTMARE!!! Do not increase your bet simply because you have been losing for several hands. Some people try to get even with this method, and end up doing terribly. Your gaming can actually end before you actually begin to play, so beware. Do not fall in with this flawed logic. 7. Bet More When You Are Winning: Intelligent players will gradually increase their bets, taking advantage of the extra funds made on consecutive winning hands. In other words, if you come off a winning hand, try taking a small percentage of that win and add it to your following bet, with the remainder saved as profits. For example, if you are making US$10.00 bets and win, the next time bet US$15.00, keeping the other US$5.00 as profit. This will not alter the edge the House has over you in any way, but it will give you the opportunity, should it present itself, to increase your funds and win over the short term. 8. Set a Loss Limit: This really goes without saying, but it has to be said, nonetheless. Set a reasonable limit on the amount of money you are willing to lose, and stick to it. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, GO OVER YOUR SET LOSS LIMIT!!! 9. Quit While You Are Ahead: How many times have you heard this one? This is where many potential winners become losers. Always keep in mind that as the player you can stop playing whenever you want. If you are ahead or have made even a slight profit, and you feel your luck ebbing, then do not think about twice. LEAVE THE GAME A WINNER. 10. Set Reasonable Expectations: Do not go into the casino expecting to triple your gaming funds. Many players fall in love with the romantic notion of coming away a blazing winner, or riding a lucky streak the size of a New York City subway. This is not a movie, this is not television it is real life and you are playing with real money against a real casino that has an edge. If you come out with 20% to 50% winnings, you have done better than 99% of casino players. ...Reprinted From www.onlinegamblingreview.com |
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